About Us

After over 30 years of environmental law experience in government and major law firms, ELC founder Patricia Sharkey left the big firm world to establish a new model for expert, cost effective environmental legal services... Read more →

Our practice focuses on complex air, water and hazardous waste permitting and enforcement defense, innovative technology and energy projects, and landfill and contaminated property matters... Read more →
Hot Topics

The 6th Circuit Court of Appeals gave the oil and gas industry – and perhaps many other sectors — an unexpected victory by remanding for reconsideration EPA’s Clean Air Act “single source” determination for Summit Petroleum Corporation.... Read more →
News & Events
Stop wasting energy and capture low-cost power for Michigan
Imagine if every time you stopped to buy gas, you spilled two gallons for ev[...]
Air & Waste Management Association Conference: Patricia Sharkey Leads Panel
November 15, 2012 – At the 2012 Air Quality Management Conference of Lake [...]
Best Lawyers in America in the field of environmental law
ELC Principal Pat Sharkey was selected by her peers as one of the Best Lawye[...]
Hot Topics
Co-Generation – White House Orders Agencies to Remove Barriers to Investment in Energy Efficient “Combined Heat and Power” at Industrial Facilities
August 30th, 2012In what could be a break-through moment for combined heat and power technology (CHP), also known as cogeneration, the President today announced a national goal to increase industrial energy efficiency in the U.S by deploying 40 gigawatts of new CHP generated power by 2020. Industry and regulators alike recognize that the energy efficienc[...]
DOT and EPA Finalize 54.5 mpg Fuel Efficiency Standards for 2025 Models
August 28th, 2012EPA Administrator Jackson today announced final rules establishing an historic CAFE standard of 54.mpg to be achieved by car and light truck fleets by 2025. This rulemaking builds on the Obama Administration’s 35.5 mpg CAFE standard for 2011-2016 car and light truck fleets adopted in 2010. Combined, the Administrator expects these stan[...]
Environmental Law Counsel is committed to providing high quality legal expertise within a small law firm model -- at reasonable rates and with the flexibility to respond to client needs..”