- “Frankenstein Boiler Still Alive: EPA’s New Boiler MACT and Solid Waste Rules,” 2011, Analysis of EPA’s controversial new Clean Air Act Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT) regulations for hazardous emissions from industrial boilers and incinerators and the companion new rule defining the difference between fuel and waste under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act; Mondaq Business Briefing, 3-4-11 (Sharkey)
- EPA Moves to Re-Propose Boiler MACT Rules; Mondaq Business Briefing, 12-10-10 (Sharkey)
- Critics Fear BACT Guide Opens Door to Broad Efficiency Reviews for GHGs, Inside EPA.Com (Dawn Reeves)
- Energy Efficiency = BACT: EPA Guidance on Greenhouse Gas Permitting, McGuireWoods Legal Update (Sharkey, Reiser, Cabral, Prell, Alphonso); Reprinted Mondaq Business Briefing (11-16-10)
- Greenhouse Gas Regulation: A New Intersection for Energy and Environmental Law, Thomson Reuters/Aspatore Books series, Recent Developments in Greenhouse Gas Regulations
- EPA’s New Greenhouse Gas Tailoring Rule: Analysis of Immediate Air Permitting Considerations, McGuireWoods Legal Update (Sharkey, Cabral, Alphonso, Reiser)
- EPA Issues First Ever Rule Regulating GHG Emissions from Light Duty Vehicles, Confirms GHG Stationary Source Permitting Begins January 2011, McGuireWoods Legal Update (Sharkey, Cabral, Rieser, Alphonso, Kerr, Breitschwerdt)
- EPA’s Final Renewable Fuel Standard Rule: Winners and Losers, McGuireWoods Legal Update (Sharkey, Alphonso, Cabral, Walls, Rieser); Reprinted Mondaq Business Briefing (2-3-09)
- RFS2 Takes Effect July 1, Deadlines Extended, Ethanol Producer Magazine, (Luke Geiver)
- Is Biomass ‘Carbon Neutral?’: EPA Call for Information Signals Rigorous Review, McGuireWoods Legal Update (Sharkey, Cabral); reprinted Mondaq Business Briefing (7-21-10)
- Renewable Fuel Standards To Be Amended, McGuireWoods Legal Update (Sharkey)
- BACT, In the Future, Law 360.Com (Sharkey, Cabral, Rieser, Alphonso, Prell) Analysis of EPA’s new greenhouse gas guidance and seven industry “White Papers” describing energy efficiency as Best Available Control Technology (BACT) for greenhouse gas Clean Air Act permitting
- EPA Proposes More Stringent National Ozone Standard, McGuireWoods Legal Update (Rieser, Alphonso, Sharkey, Cabral)
- EPA Announces Greenhouse Gas Endangerment Finding as United Nations Climate Talks Open in Copenhagen, McGuireWoods Legal Update (Sharkey, Kerr, Oostdyk, Alphonso, Cabral, Rieser); Reprinted Mondaq Business Briefing (12-16-09)
- Proposed Rule Requires Greenhouse Gas Disclosure, Compliance Week article on EPA’s proposed Mandatory Reporting Rule for Greenhouse Gases
- EPA Issues Final Greenhouse Gas Reporting Rule, McGuireWoods Legal Update (Rieser, Sharkey ,Cabral, Alphonso, Christman, Rothenberg, Short)
- Current Air Permitting Issues: CO2, PM2.5, Coal Gasification, McGuireWoods Legal Update (Alphonso, Cabral, Sharkey, Schewel, Rieser)
- EPA’s Proposed Renewable Fuels Lifecycle Rule, Biofuels Digest publication of McGuireWoods White Paper (Sharkey, Alphonso, Cabral, Katsantonis, Kerr, Rieser, Schewel)
- EPA Issues Greenhouse Gas Endangerment Finding: A First Step Toward Regulation Under the Clean Air Act, McGuireWoods Legal Update (Rieser, Sharkey, Cabral, Alphonso)
- Counting Carbon: Scope and Implications of EPA Greenhouse Gas Registry Rule, McGuireWoods Legal Update
- EPA Poised to Propose Federal Greenhouse Gas Registry Rule, McGuireWoods Legal Update (Sharkey, Cabral, Alphonso, Rieser)
- Environmentalists Push EPA to Re-Open 34 NESHAP Categories, McGuireWoods Legal Update (Sharkey, Alphonso, Rieser, Cabral, Christman, Rothenberg)
- EAB Remands Deseret Power Case: EPA Directed to Consider Nationwide Implications of BACT for Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Air & Waste Management Association Newsletter, Lake Michigan States Section (Sharkey)
- An 11th Hour Bush EPA Response to the Deseret Power Decision and Environmentalists’ Reaction, McGuireWoods Legal Update (Sharkey, Cabral, Rieser, Alphonso, Kerr)
- DC Circuit Strikes Down NESHAP Startup, Shutdown and Malfunction Regulations, McGuireWoods Legal Update (Rieser, Sharkey, Alphonso, Cabral)
- Reversal of Fortune: DC Circuit Vacates CAIR Vacatur, McGuireWoods Legal Update (Rieser, Sharkey, Alphonso, Cabral)
- The Long and Winding Road to a Boiler MACT Rule, Air & Waste Management Association Newsletter, Lake Michigan States Section (Sharkey)